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Size: 5oz- What is Elderberry? Elderberry is one of the most commonly used medicinal plants in the world. Indigenous people used it to treat fever and rheumatism, while the ancient Egyptians used it to improve their complexions and heal burns. Health Benefits: Keeps the respiratory system healthy, prevents influenza, keeps cholesterol under control, cures diabetes mellitus, maintains bone health, ruins cancerous cells, high in Vitamin C, helps with constipation, helps with digestion, promotes healthy skin, relaxes sore muscles, helps relieve nasal congestion, treats wounds. How to Prepare: DO NOT EAT RAW, simmer in a pot of water until berries are soft(15 mins), strain the juice or pour juice in berries in container. Keep refrigerated. For best results: 2 tablespoons per day. You can also add juice & berries inside smoothie or tea