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Sour Sop Leaves
$ 8.00 USD

Size: 0.50 oz What is SourSop? SourSop is a fruit that goes by many names: Annona muricata, Guanabana, Paw-paw, Sirsak, & Graviola. SourSop is a fruit that grows in many tropical environments. The fruit has a distinctive taste similar to a mango or pineapple. The Leaves of the Soursop fruit are just as beneficial to health as the fruit itself. The Health Benefits Include: Can cure cancer faster than chemo, High in Vitamin C, Antioxidants & other vitamins known to boost the immune system, Treats skin conditions, Pain reliever, Promotes fast healing of wounds, Treats gout, Treats ulcers, Promotes healthier hair, Treatment of boils, Gets rid of lice, Stabilizes blood sugar levels, Better sleep, Treats hypertension & so much more How to Prepare: Boil three to four leaves for 10 to 15 minutes. Remove from the heat and allow to steep for another 10 to 15 minutes. Drink & enjoy!